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Applying for Housing

The tenant applying for housing must fill out the information release form and tenant eligibility form, before being able to sign a lease. If the tenant owns any pets, they must also fill out the Pet Ownership form. All the forms mentioned can be found on the Resources page.

Fair Housing Information

Fair Market Rents represent the cost to rent a moderately-priced dwelling unit in the local housing market. Below are the fair market rents in Hall County by unit bedrooms.

Fair Market Rents FY2020

Efficiency $557
1 Bedroom $605
2 Bedroom $780
3 Bedroom $1,068
4 Bedroom $1,093

Fair Market Rents FY2021

Efficiency $572
1 Bedroom $628
2 Bedroom $793
3 Bedroom $1,073
4 Bedroom $1,075


Move In

A move-in inspection is performed by the tenant at the time the lease is signed. This is to report any damages at the apartment that need to be noted on the form and work orders will be made to make repairs.

Welcome Visit

This inspection is conducted after two months of occupancy. Its purpose is to check if you have any problems or questions.

Annual Inspection

A required inspection where staff perform a “walk-through” inspection checking for health or safety issues, physical condition, and housekeeping of the unit. (The tenant should be present, but do not need to be present.)

Special Inspection

Performed when it is determined that a housekeeping or other problem exists and is not being corrected.

HUD Inspections

Are randomly conducted at the HUD’s request. The inspector randomly selects units to physically inspect. A notice will be sent to all tenants prior to this inspection.


This inspection will be conducted when you move-out. After the inspection is completed, staff will discuss any damages and charges to you.
The security deposit is $300.00 USD and will be refunded after the dwelling has been vacated and any charges for damages have been paid in full.
There are NO assigned parking places. Everyone should be considerate of their neighbor’s needs. You are allowed 1 vehicle per licensed driver in the lot.
The Cairo Housing Authority is not responsible for the replacement of personal property in the units. It is suggested that each tenant have renter’s insurance for this purpose.
Electricity, water, laundry, gas and heat are all paid for. The tenant is responsible for the $50.00 charge for Wifi/cable; payable to the housing at the time of rent.
If there is a tornado warning, take shelter in your shower. Close the bathroom door and cover yourself with a blanket. It is recommended that you take a radio and flashlight with you. During electrical storms it is recommended you unplug your computer.
You can have guests and visitors. HOWEVER, you may not allow others who are not on your lease to live in or stay in your unit for more than 14 days each year without prior approval of the Landlord.
Report any type of vermin infestation, bed bugs, mice, roaches, etc. Infestations can occur even if a unit is being kept clean. If there is an infestation, it is important that they are reported immediately to stop the spread of the infestation.
If your smoke alarm goes off DO NOT try to remove it from the ceiling. Open your door and windows and it will eventually shut off on its own. These are hard wired and do not have a reset button.
The Quality Housing and Work Responsibility Act of 1998 require that all non-exempt public housing adult residents (18 or older) contribute eight (8) hours per month of community service (volunteer work). This is a requirement of the Public Housing Lease. A copy of a sample letter explaining the conditions for exemption can be found on the Resources webpage.